R&S Prismon la soluzione di monitoraggio A/V in offerta per favorire l’evoluzione dei sistemi dedicati ai serviziOTT e VOD

R&S Prismon la soluzione di monitoraggio A/V in offerta per favorire l’evoluzione dei sistemi dedicati ai servizi OTT e VOD La particolare situazione in cui ci troviamo, con le relative limitazioni di movimento, ha portato conseguentemente ad un notevole incremento del consumo dei contenuti multimediali online e, in particolare, ad un’esplosione del numero di utenti […]
TivùSat now is on air with MR Telecom and Ateme

Shortly before Christmas, the first Switch-Off of the TivùSat platform managed by RaiWay took place on behalf of Rai. MR Telecom & Broadcast Services has installed, configured and put into operation the first Ateme Head-ends, which supply the contents of the two Rai transponders, one of which is the Home Frequency of TivùSat. In addition […]
Rai Way selected MRT/AVT for their New National Digital Audio Headend for DAB+

Rai Way selected MRT/AVT for their New National Digital Audio Headend for DAB+ MILANO December 17-12- 2020 – MRT announce that today started the pre test of RAI WAY DAB+ Headend. Ray Way is a Italy-based company leader in infrastructure for broadcasting, has sign a contract with MRT as supplier for a National Digital Audio […]
Rai Way selected again MRT/TREDESS low power transmitters for their DVB-T/T2 DTT Network

MILANO, October 22, 2020 – MRT is proud to announce that Rai Way, a Italy-based company leader in infrastructure for broadcasting, has selected for the second time, MRT/TREDESS Fourth series product family solution; the Low power transmitters in the range of 10 W to 100W will be installed in order to implement their DTT Network in […]
RAI WAY Select MRT as supplier for thei new national video headends for DTH/DTT TV Network

MILANO, November 15, 2020 – MRT announce today that RAI WAY, a Italy-based company leader in infrastructure for broadcasting, has final award , for the second time after the first project awarded 14 months ago, MRT as supplier for their NEW National Video Headends for DTT/DTH TV Network; as part of the selection process, where all major […]